
Videos created by the DOS for the purposes of spreading our visceral mind parasites as far as possible.


As someone once proudly whispered from the confines of a suspiciously sanitary hot dog wagon, "A beginning is a very delicate time". This video features footage of the historic first meeting of the Denver Obscurantism Society on May 13, 2023 in 4K panoramic glory(citation needed), suitable for viewing in any man cave or woman cave, or a cave in general. This breathtaking short film closes out with a fun rendition of the sleeper hit "Rain Pours Down". It also features words of wisdom from one of the sharpest cookies in the Denver Metro area, Mike Chappelle, who compares the spiral in the DOS logo to the spiral in the 1998 Rufus Sewell film "Dark City". Hijinks ensue as the diabolical plot is gradually unraveled.


We develop and multiply, festering and breeding within the confines of your skin. From our tepid shrine on the Eastern side of Cheesman Park, we conduct unholy ceremonies which will have lasting ramifications for generations to come. This initial installment features a recitation of the 10 Obscurantist Tenets as well as a reading of the short horror story "The Deepest Hour". And CBD, also. You are under surveillance. Please enjoy our feature presentation- and remember, if at any point you don't feel like there's enough garlic ranch salt powder on your popcorn, feel free to climb down the enormous flight of 200 stairs on the side, head down to the lobby and sprinkle some more on. It's not as if you have anything better to do.


DOS Member Nic Sequeira undergoes a bizarre ritual wherein he sits on the northeast park bench of the pavilion for around an hour, talking in circles, becoming one with the accursed marble monument that surrounds him. This episode of DOS is commonly regarded by fans to be one of the best, and it's not difficult to see why- the production value is off the charts, the recipe is improved, and the beats are phatter. Plus, we are all bread clips now. What's not to love?


The Cheesman Park Pavilion is besieged by a bizarre ritual known as a wedding. This video is a lot like a box of chocolates- you can stretch it until it reaches 25 feet. It also features rare, indecipherable footage of Team Nonexistent, the greatest melodic punk band in the Denver area. If you thought the Zapruder film was cryptic, wait until you crack into this hush puppy. The vape is open, and there's no stopping the DOS anymore. We've become tangible. Plus a special appearance from Mr. Squirrel-o, an honorary DOS member who technically isn't allowed to join given his complete lack of opposable thumbs. This short video is a golden treat! It will become melty and sticky unless you eat it! Now!


The Denver Obscurantism saga continues. Sharp cookie, like an oven. Noted earring connoisseur Mintyporksoda shares a hot take on the famous DOS logo and the Denver flag which could completely change everything from this point forward as you know it. You haven't seen anything until you've seen an episode of carefully curated DOS programming- it will melt your neurons into viscous tapioca in no time flat. Plus a helpful analysis of the Sharon bench which is the typical meeting place for all DOS affairs, unless stated otherwise. Following this startling development, the Cheesman Park Pavilion is abruptly beseiged by an onslaught of demented ghouls. This episode will tickle your fancy and paint your mortgage. Join us as we plummet further into the deepest chasms, giggling maniacally the whole way down. We here at the DOS wouldn't have it any other way.


Denver's culture jamming ramps up at an alarming rate! It's June 24, and the DOS is in full summertime swing as one subject leads to another- and another- and another. Once you pop with the DOS, you can't stop. Attending a DOS meeting feels like some benign entity is pulling on all your hair strands individually and simultaneously. This DOS session resulted in the conception of several interesting ideas, some of which may even be brought up again in the future if they're lucky. Keep the lasagna flying!


The sixth episode of DOS follows the first 5 ones and deals with multiple exciting subjects. The intersection of Broadway and I-25, commonly known as the vortex of Denver energy, is visited by two intrepid DOS agents who experience awe and wonder at its inexplicable Denver-ness. Meanwhile, a fascinating discussion arises regarding the craziest Slinky you've ever seen. Plus a hat gets blown around in the exciting historic turbine that is 9th Street Park. Don't touch that dial, because the DOS is going to flip your head into little hyperspatial donuts.


This episode goes every freakin' which way in some sort of futile quest for balance. Tommy and Eric discuss what it would be like if Casa Bonita was a nightmare scenario, while Nic explores a weird throw pillow. Plus: vegetables! DOS now has an added vegetable content, in a desperate attempt to comply with the FDA's nutritional guidelines. Two potatoes, one sweet potato, an eggplant, and spinach populate this enticing vegetable medley. Here at the DOS, we encourage healthy eating. Finally, this episode is capped off with a fun group activity where we all write random nonsense for 5 minutes. What is that random nonsense, you ask? You'll have to read the DOS zine to find out! There are no shortcuts here!


Did you think South Plark would let you off that easy? You naive fool! Every meeting of DOS is about South Park now. And of course Stapleton Airport- and a whole host of other wild, off-the-wall topics you'd never predict in a million years! Why go see Christopher Nolan's new film "Oppenheimer" when you can watch an atomic detonation every weekend at Cheesman? This meeting ended with one of the greatest ideas we've ever had- to recreate "The School of Athens" and pose like all the famous Greek people. This is maybe the best idea.


This week's meeting of DOS was notable for a few reasons: It was the first appearance of the iconic DOS pin press, which went on to become a national hero, it was conducted mostly inside the Pavilion rather than outside the Pavilion's detrimental hunger, and it features the first canonical appearance of "Squirt," the drink which is considered by DOS members to be the ambrosia of the deities. Also, some bizarre lighting from the sunset. It would be virtually impossible to find more positive attributes of a DOS installment.

DOS 10

Ten episodes of this drivel? Already?!? Wow, the DOS is making strides- in this exciting climactic episode to DOS season 1, Squirt is passed around like there's no tomorrow, an entire heaping 6-pack of Squirt. Things become increasingly absurd as Agent Nic shows off his rare 11-piece acrylic paintings series. Plus commentary on the construction of the new DOS Vortex.

DOS At Lakeside

This video cannot properly convey the sheer exhilaration the DOS felt as it stepped onto the mysterious pavement of Lakeside Amusement Park, Denver's most obscure amusement park. A good time was had by all as the diabolical mechanisms of the park exuded an influence of giddy delirium over the DOS' minds. Lakeside is peak Denver and it never lets you go. We whipped, we scrambled, we rocked and tilted and chipmunked until both us and all possibilities were thoroughly exhausted.

DOS 11

This may very well be the most exciting video yet. It will enthrall you with its rainy ambience and contemplative demeanor. Have you ever wondered what it would be like if a mysterious suitcase filled with valuable materials were carried to the base of a pine tree during both an EDM set and an early evening rainstorm? Now you don't have to wonder about that hypothetical scenario anymore, because we here at DOS have brought it out of the realm of the hypothetical and into the realm of the tangible. This entertaining romp can be watched on the "youtube" website in any resolution you want and also at any volume you prefer. Other videos of comparable stature do not offer comparable levels of comvenience, customization, or luxury.

DOS 12

In the twist of the century, Agent El retrurns having read the brand-new, top-of-the-line "DOS Zine". What follows is a short analysis of the Zine's many benefits and an official endorsement from El, followed by a prediction regarding the next DOS list, the Top 50 Obscure Albums. After that, the footage inexplicably cuts out. This week was defined by wonderful pink clouds at sunset and a strange lull which fell over the Pavilion around 8:30 P.M. as its otherworldly pillars were ensconced in shadow and ether.

DOS 13

I'm sure at one point or another, we've all asked ourselves: "What if there was something like Fluxus Street Theater, but in Denver? Why isn't there anything like that popping and zapping over here in the beautiful metropolis of Denver, CO???" Or maybe I'm the only one who's ever thought that, because my mind tends to work in mysterious ways. Regardless, I like to imagine the end result of Fluxus in Denver would be something remotely akin to DOS. This 13th episode caroms off your noggin and reverberates inside the cavern of your skull, creating intricate, icicle-like patterns which snap off to reveal all the diseased rot beneath. This episode is not for the faint of heart or the faint of breath, it gets pretty intense in some places.

DOS 14

The scent of an encroaching autumn lingers heavily in the air, dew collects on every blade of grass- and down at Cheesman Park, the discussion is going as always, ceaseless and heavy. The DOS guarantees discussion so thick it's basically a tub of loaded nachos. You would never guess what goes on in the shadows over here...

DOS 15

Have you ever wondered what it would be like if you could stare at Nic's face lying out on the grass for over 10 seconds, backlit by the fading evening light, with a piercing stare of apathy? If so, then DOS episode 15 is for you! This is the episode that was made after there were 10 episodes and then 5 more episodes, or something along those lines. This content is sure to hit all the right spots- it tastes good, it's good for you, and it nourishes your soul, which consists mostly of the 8th Amethyst crystal on your brain tree. You won't regret it but you might resent it! Plus: An in-depth look at the famous "Shrine Of Filth," one of Denver's coolest locations.

DOS 16

A strange variety of dragonfly and a strange variety of plant complement this episode, which ages into a fine vintage with a tangy aftertaste, akin to a byproduct of the Sonoran Fields. You know what they say... you can take a DOS out of the SOD, but you can't put an SOD in the ground for longer than five minutes before it emits a pungent odor.

DOS 17


DOS 18

The year was 1998 and we were popping qualudes out back in Farmer Atticus' shed near the southern terminus of Wadsworth, where the fence recedes deep onto that secluded government property. Mainly we were all leaning against the water pump which protruded from the ruptured earth like some earthquake portent. The skies were darkening rapidly, slight wind off to the southeast, while up north by Chatfield the birds made calls to their respective mates and the light traffic in and out of the gate kept us on our toes. We were all of us ready to recede onto the public trails if the need so arose, yet it never did, and we remained strung for as long as five hours while the shadows grew long and the warm memories of seasons prior filled our psyches.


Wow, DOS Halloween Edition had a great turnout this year! Nic Sequeira showed up in solidarity with the DOS cause, guzzling candy like there was no tomorrow and lifting the Halloween spirit across the frozen tundra that Cheesman Park inexplicably became in under 24 hours. This heartwarming instant holiday classic about the importance of the October season and honoring the pumpkin czar is sure to delight everyone and become baptized as a staple of the American spirit for years to come. There ain't no Halloween like a DOS Halloween!

DOS 19

The autumnal season continues as DOS moves ever away from the sun on this zippy little spheroid of minerals we refer to as Earth. This installment features a song recommendation, park news, and a new feature called "Trivia Time" meant to replicate the high-stakes, suspenseful atmosphere of your favorite game shows. We bring all this to you- and more! The variety in one episode of DOS content is virtually unparalleled, it's like you're watching 50 shows simultaneously on 50 55" LED flatscreen TVs and also watching 3 IMAX theaters at the same time. You really have to watch it to understand what we mean, but once you do understand, there will be no easy return to your atmosphere of ignorance.

DOS 20

If you click on the link below, you will witness " A Slinky Tale," which is a story about a guy who could manipulate slinkies in weird ways. In the video, it's mentioned that this guy had over 100,000 views, but actually he has over 20 times that, over 2 million views. Over 2 million people have watched some guy mess around with a slinky at the Cheesman Park Pavilion, but probably under 100 people will ever witness this episode of DOS. So if you watch it, feel special!

You Have No Idea

You have no idea
